Pie Calendar Pro 1.3.2 Now Available

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Pie Calendar Pro 1.3.2 is a minor release that introduces some new hooks for the popover, as well as a new shortcode attribute for displaying the featured image of a post inside the calendar popover.

New: Add the featured image of your event post into the popover with the shortcode attribute: featuredimage=true

With the addition of many new hooks for the popover, it’s now possible to add in your own custom data such as ACF fields in various positions inside the popover. Read more here: https://docs.piecalendar.com/article/50-using-custom-field-data-in-pie-calendar-popover

Updated list of all available hooks and filters: https://docs.piecalendar.com/article/18-available-hooks-filters

Full change log:

* New: Added featuredimage=true attribute for shortcode. When present, post's featured image will be shown in the popover when viewing event details.
* Tweak: Added piecal_popover_details filter.
* Tweak: Added piecal_popover_before_title hook.
* Tweak: Added piecal_popover_after_title hook.
* Tweak: Added piecal_popover_before_meta hook.
* Tweak: Added piecal_popover_before_details hook.
* Tweak: Added piecal_popover_after_details hook.
* Tweak: Added piecal_popover_before_view_link hook.
* Tweak: All day event start times are now forced to 12:00 PM to avoid timezone bleed.
* Fix: Corrected a bug that caused day names to be duplicated sometimes.
* Fix: Added versions to our CSS on the front-end to prevent issues with caching & future updates.

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